Transylvanian Tribunal

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The Transylvanian Tribunal is the Regional Tribunal that includes modern-day Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the other Balkan states south up to Albania, Macedonia, and northern Bulgaria. It is geographically large, extending from the eastern foothills of the Alps to the shores of the Black Sea.

The Transylvanian Tribunal is bordered on the west by the Roman Tribunal, on the northwest by the Greater Alps Tribunal, on the north by the Rhine and Novgorod Tribunals, and on the south by the Theban Tribunal. See the Map of Mythic Europe.

Fifth Edition Resources

The tribunal is described to some extent in Houses of Hermes:True Lineages 116, 114. It says the Tribunal has a small Hermetic presence, dominated by House Tremere but also including nearly half as many non-House magi as guests of the House[1]. See HoHTL. Only one covenant, Coeris, is described - but other large and small Tremere covenants are alluded to. These include Lycaneon, the House's source of amber[2].

Transylvanian Sagas

The following saga websites are set in, or otherwise related to, the Transylvanian Tribunal. Feel free to add your own site to the list; please insert it in alphabetical order.

The covenant of Amurgsval is a fabled place, home of practitioners of the Great Art, the Ars Magica, lost in the mists of time and surrounded by legends of mighty magicks and mystic beer.
Vigil Cavernae


  1. "Extent", Houses of Hermes:True Lineages, page 116
  2. "Materials," Houses of Hermes:True Lineages, page 132

Based on material © Copyright David Chart 1997-2000. Used with permission.