Help:Creating a new page

From Project: Redcap

Search First

Before creating a page, please first search to see that a similar page does not already exist.

Creating Pages

There are two ways to create a new page:

  1. Click on any red link in Project: Redcap. This will take you to the edit window and allow to create the page.
  2. Type the name of the page you want to create into the Search box. When the search results come up empty, there will be a red link at the top of the list to allow you to create the page.

Naming Pages

If you are creating a new page totally from scratch, instead of filling in an empty page, please refer to Help:Naming pages for the guidelines on how to name the page. That may look complicated, but it's very important to adhere to a proper naming convention so other contributors can find and link to your new page. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

See Also