Legacy:Guardians of the forest

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-03-15 15:29:23 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0276.php|official product page]].

Version 2

Date: 2008-03-15 16:06:14 GMT Author: Yair Comment: abbreviation

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' (often abbreviated to [[GotF]]) ioften abbreviated to [[GotF]]) is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0

Version 3

Date: 2008-03-18 14:32:57 GMT Author: Yair Comment: other content

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' (often abbreviated to [[GotF]]) is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0276.php|official product page]].

===Other Content

GotF introduces the concept of [[Journeyman]] on p. 20, to denote a magus not far past his gauntlet, as well as rules for becoming an [[archmage]] on p. 24. In between it introduces the idea of a [[master]] magus (p. 22-23), which is intended to be limited to the Rhine tribunal but seems to me to be applicable to many tribunals (although not all).

[[shape and material bonus]]es are presented. Material bonuses for various trees are on p. 33 (along with some Mythic information on them).

Information on [[forest paths]] of power, a means to obtain virtues preceding the Mysteries version and involving the [[Forest Lore]] arcane ability, is given on p. 35-40. Note that this system was later expanded.

Rules for studying in the [[Great Library]] of Durenmar are on p. 55-57. Note that True Lineages expands on the contents, by including folios and the "tabula geographica magica" (a catalogue of magical magical sites and regiones; p. 13).

Specific books include a mention of "[[principia magica]]", the authority on Magic Theory written by Bonisagus (p. 57).

New [[spell]]s include several shortly-described ones on p. 60, and a new Mentem spell on p. 72.

Version 4

Date: 2008-03-18 15:24:05 GMT Author: Yair Comment: deleted

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' (often abbreviated to [[GotF]]) is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0276.php|official product page]].

===Other Content

GotF introduces the concept of [[Journeyman]] on p. 20, to denote a magus not far past his gauntlet, as well as rules for becoming an [[archmage]] on p. 24. In between it introduces the idea of a [[master]] magus (p. 22-23), which is intended to be limited to the Rhine tribunal but seems to me to be applicable to many tribunals (although not all).

ability, is given on p. 35-40. Note that this system was later expanded.

Rules for studying in the [[Great Library]] of Durenmar are on p. 55-57. Note that True Lineages expands on the contents, by including folios and the "tabula geographica magica" (a catalogue of magical magical sites and regiones; p. 13).

Specific books include a mention of "[[principia magica]]", the authority on Magic Theory written by Bonisagus (p. 57).

New [[spell]]s include several shortly-described ones on p. 60, and a new Mentem spell on p. 72.

Version 5

Date: 2008-03-18 15:40:54 GMT Author: Yair Comment: capitalization

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' (often abbreviated to [[GotF]]) is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0276.php|official product page]].

===Other Content

GotF introduces the concept of [[Journeyman]] on p. 20, to denote a magus not far past his gauntlet, as well as rules for becoming an [[archmage]] on p. 24. In between it introduces the idea of a [[master]] magus (p. 22-23), which is intended to be limited to the Rhine tribunal but seems to me to be applicable to many tribunals (although not all).

Information on [[forest paths]] of power, a means to obtain virtues preceding the Mysteries version and involving the [[Forest Lore]] arcane ability, is given on p. 35-40. Note that this system was later expanded.

Rules for studying in the [[Great Library]] of Durenmar are on p. 55-57. Note that True Lineages expands on the contents, by including folios and the "tabula geographica magica" (a catalogue of magical magical sites and regiones; p. 13).

Specific books include a mention of "[[principia magica]]", the authority on Magic Theory written by Bonisagus (p. 57).

New [[Spell]]s include several shortly-described ones on p. 60, and a new Mentem spell on p. 72.

Version 6

Date: 2008-03-18 18:49:23 GMT Author: Yair Comment: capitalization

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' (often abbreviated to [[GotF]]) is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0276.php|official product page]].

===Other Content

GotF introduces the concept of [[Journeyman]] on p. 20, to denote a magus not far past his gauntlet, as well as rules for becoming an [[Archmage]] on p. 24. In between it introduces the idea of a [[Master]] magus (p. 22-23), which is intended to be limited to the Rhine tribunal but seems to me to be applicable to many tribunals (although not all).

Information on [[Forest Path]] of power, a means to obtain irtues preceding the Mysteries version and involving the [[Forest Lore]] arcane ability, is given on p. 35-40. Note that this system was later expanded.

Rules for studying in the [[Great Library]] of Durenmar are on p. 55-57. Note that True Lineages expands on the contents, by including folios and the "tabula geographica magica" (a catalogue of magical magical sites and regiones; p. 13).

Specific books include a mention of "[[PPrincipia Maica]]", the authority on Magic Theory written by Bonisagus (p. 57).

New [[Spell]]s include several shortly-described ones on p. 60, and a new Mentem spell on p. 72.

Version 7

Date: 2010-03-16 23:06:57 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Order of Odin reference

'''Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal''' (often abbreviated to [[GotF]]) is a supplement for [[Ars Magica Fifth Edition]] released by [[Atlas Games]] in 2005. It details the [[Canon|canonic]] [[Rhine Tribunal]]. See also the [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0276.php|official product page]].

===Other Content

GotF introduces the concept of [[Journeyman]] on p. 20, to denote a magus not far past his gauntlet, as well as rules for becoming an [[Archmage]] on p. 24. In between it introduces the idea of a [[Master]] magus (p. 22-23), which is intended to be limited to the Rhine tribunal but seems to me to be applicable to many tribunals (although not all).

Information on [[Forest Path]] of power, a means to obtain virtues preceding the Mysteries version and involving the [[Forest Lore]] arcane ability, is given on p. 35-40. Note that this system was later expanded.

Rules for studying in the [[Great Library]] of Durenmar are on p. 55-57. Note that True Lineages expands on the contents, by including folios and the "tabula geographica magica" (a catalogue of magical magical sites and regiones; p. 13).

Specific books include a mention of "[[Principia Magica]]", the authority on Magic Theory written by Bonisagus (p. 57).

New [[Spell]]s include several shortly-described ones on p. 60, and a new Mentem spell on p. 72.

The [[Order of Odin]] is briefly discussed on pages 112-113.