
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-05-03 02:37:35 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

= Synopsis

'''Soak''' is a combat statistic in Ars Magica.  It represents a character's ability to resist damage: to "soak up" a blow or other attack without getting hurt.

= Mechanics

The forumula for a character's Soak Total is given on page 171 of ArM5.  Note that there is no die roll involved in the Soak Total, so rules that affect "rolls" or "die rolls" don't affect to a character's Soak Total.

== What Can Affect Soak

* The character's [[Stamina]] score
* [[Armor]]
* [[Muto]] magic, especially [[MuCo]] and [[MuAn]]
* The strength of a magus's [[Bronze Cord]] binding him to his [[Familiar]]
* [[Virtue | Virtues]] such as Tough ([[ArM5]] page 49)

== [anchor:WoundPenalties]Wound and Fatigue Penalties in Relation to Soak Total

Penalties from [[Wound Penalty | Wounds]] and [[Fatigue Penalty | Fatigue]] do not affect a character's Soak Total.

The rules only state this in an obscure place, on page 172 of [[ArM5]] under "Combat: Simple Example." The penultimate paragraph says "note that Polandrus's Wound Penalty does not apply to Soak because Soak is not rolled." That's pretty clear, but awfully hard to find (especially in the middle of a game session).

So, Wound Penalties do not appear to be meant to apply to Soak. The word "totals" in the discussion of Wound Penalties probably means things like [[Lab Total | Lab Totals]] and [[Study Total | Study Totals]], which are not rolled (though for Study Totals, the effects of wounds are discussed under "Activities While Injured" on pages 178-179).

As to Fatigue penalties, the rules are more explicit. On page 178, the top paragraph in the center column says Fatigue penalties do not apply to Soak.

= References

* [[ArM5]] page 171
* Combat: Simple Example, [[ArM5]] page 172

= See also

* Activities While Injured, [[ArM5]] pages 178-179
* Creating Creatures, Combat Statistics ([[ArM5]] page 192)

Version 2

Date: 2009-06-16 02:33:51 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added reference to when Soak is rolled

= Synopsis

'''Soak''' is a combat statistic in Ars Magica.  It represents a character's ability to resist damage: to "soak up" a blow or other attack without getting hurt.

= Mechanics

Soak has slightly different mechanics to cover two different situations.

== Soak Total

The forumula for a character's Soak Total, which is used in combat, is given on page 171 of ArM5.  Note that there is no die roll involved in the Soak Total, so rules that affect "rolls" or "die rolls" don't affect to a character's Soak Total.

Use the Soak Total when the character is hit with a weapon or natural attack -- anything where the [[Attack Advantage]] adds to the [[Damage Total]].

== Non-Combat Soak Total

When a character is damaged by something other than a physical attack (such as by fire, or falling, or a magic spell), this is considered [[Non-Combat Damage]].  The Soak Total used against non-combat damage does include a die roll.  The formula is found on page 181 of ArM5.

== What Can Affect Soak

l, so rules that affect "rolls" or "die rolls" don't affect to a character's Soak Total.

Use the Soak Total when the character is hit with a weapon or natural attack -- anything where the [[Attack Advantage]] adds to the [[Damage Total]].

== Non-Combat Soak Total

When a character is damaged by something other than a physical attack (such as by fire, or falling, or a magic spell), this is considered [[Non-Combat Damage]].  The Soak Total used against non-combat damage does include a die roll.  The formula is found on page 181 of ArM5.

== What Can Affect Soak

* The character's [[Stamina]] score
* [[Armor]]
* [[Muto]] magic, especially [[MuCo]] and [[MuAn]]
* The strength of a magus's [[Bronze Cord]] binding him to his [[Familiar]]
* [[Virtue | Virtues]] such as Tough ([[ArM5]] page 49)

== [anchor:WoundPenalties]Wound and Fatigue Penalties in Relation to Soak Total

Penalties from [[Wound Penalty | Wounds]] and [[Fatigue Penalty | Fatigue]] do not affect a character's Soak Total.

The rules only state this in an obscure place, on page 172 of [[ArM5]] under "Combat: Simple Example." The penultimate paragraph says "note that Polandrus's Wound Penalty does not apply to Soak because Soak is not rolled." That's pretty clear, but awfully hard to find (especially in the middle of a game session).

So, Wo* Injuries, [[ArM5]] page 181

nd Penalties do not appear to be meant to apply to Soak. The word "totals" in the discussion of Wound Penalties probably m