A Societas (sing., plural Societates) is a free association of magi. There are four Houses that function as a Societas: House Flambeau, House Jerbiton, House Tytalus, and House Ex Miscellanea. In addition several other Societates exist in the canonic order, including Seekers, the Gilds of the Rhine Tribunal, Jerbiton Leagues, and more. Non-Canonic societates may also exist, of course.
Some societates restrict themselves to members of a particular House, Tribunal, and so on. Examples include the Pawnbrokers (HoHTL 88), a Societas Merceris that accepts only Redcaps, or the Rhine Gilds that that are largely concerned with politics in the Rhine Tribunal, and thus generally open only members of that tribunal.
Fifth Edition Sourcebooks
In ArM5 the four Houses that are organized as Societates received a Sourcebook of their own, Houses of Hermes: Societates.
See also
- Houses of Hermes: True Lineages for Houses Bonisagus, Guernicus, Mercere and Tremere.
- Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults for Houses Bjornaer, Criamon, Merinita and Verditius.
Legacy Page
The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:societas