Main Page

From Project: Redcap

Note: If you are looking for the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) project, it is located at
Project: Redcap is a center for the fan community of Ars Magica, a tabletop roleplaying game. Here you will find links to Ars Magica resources and information across the World Wide Web. This site is a wiki that contains extensive reference information for Ars Magica players: descriptions of the many products available for the game, and summaries of many topics about the Order of Hermes and Mythic Europe.

It is also a great place for you to add your own fan-created content. Ars Magica will be licensed under an open license in 2024. The administrators hope Project: Redcap will become a repository of open gaming content related to Ars Magica (posting your open content here is easier than running your own wiki). The value of Project: Redcap only grows through your contributions. Get involved!

Community News

Ars Magica Definitive Edition logo. Used with permission.

Atlas Games has announced plans for an Ars Magica Definitive Edition, coming in 2024. This edition of Ars Magica will be licensed under an open license so fans can extend, remix, and customize the rules to their hearts' delight. Regarding for-profit Ars Magica material created and developed under the Open License - In the Project: Redcap content description/listing there should be a reference to the ArM open license and the product should clearly state that material was created and developed as a part of the ArM open license.

Internet Resources

Many of the fan sites on the web are players' sagas, which we organize by Regional Tribunal:

Saga Links
Greater Alps Hibernia Iberia Levant Loch Leglean Normandy
Novgorod Provençal Rhine Rome Stonehenge Thebes
Transylvania Alternate Settings
Play-by-Post Sagas|

Official Ars Magica discussion forums
Atlas Games's official discussion forums are the de facto center of the online fan community. Here players exchange story ideas, discuss the fine points of the rules, and even find other players or play Ars Magica by forum. Most Ars Magica discussions currently occur on Atlas Games Official Forum or the very active Ars Magica Discord community server.
Atlas Games
Atlas Games has lots of useful information and downloads on its pages for the Fifth (current) and Fourth Editions.
Sub Rosa
Sub Rosa is the current Ars Magica fanzine.
Peripheral Code
Peripheral Code is a new Ars Magica fanzine that began publishing in 2016.
Metacreator is commercial character-creation software that supports Ars Magica ( Fourth and Fifth Editions).
The Net Wizard's Grimoire
A collection of hundreds of fan-created spells where you can submit your own.
Grand Tribunal Conventions
The fan community has been organizing Ars Magica conventions since 2007: see Grand Tribunal UK and Grand Tribunal USA
Mailing lists
As of the early 2020's the venerable Berkeley List is no longer active.
Since the retirement of Google Plus services in December 2018, the Google Plus Ars Magica communities are no longer supported -Ars Magica RPG, The Ethereal Tribunal, and Sub Rosa: The Ars Magica Fanzine.
The Ars Magica Discord
Join the Ars Magica Community Server on Discord using the following invite:

Ars Magica Encyclopedia

Related Topics

Using This Site

See Help:Getting Started for an introduction to using and contributing to Project: Redcap.

Special:Categories lists all the categories used to organize pages on this site