Character sheets

From Project: Redcap

This page holds a collection of links to character sheets.


Character sheets are sheets used to collect all necessary information about a single character, be it a magus, a companion, or a grog.

Official Character Sheet : The official character sheet provided by Atlas Games for download is similar to the one printed at the end of the basic rule set. Black-and-white with a color frame in the ArM5 style, the file is relatively big (3.2 MB), spans over four pages, and provides space for many details and all the relevant statistics. An older, lighter (about 970 KB) greyscale version is available.
Simple character sheet : This simple and slim (26 KB) sheet consists of two pages. The first page covers the most important and most frequently used traits applicable to all characters, while the second page exclusively covers magical abilities.
Thumper's Excel Character Sheet: A single-page Excel sheet for every non-Hermetic aspect of the character.
Fiche de personnage éditable en VF: to be filled or edited in Adobe Reader.

Covenants & Sagas

This section holds sheets for managing Covenants, sagas, and adventures. They are used to keep track of time and resources.

Covenant Record Sheets : Yes, the covenant is a character too, so its character sheet deserves to be on this page.
Troupe Development Record : Story guides can use this sheet to keep track of the characters' activities during several seasons, allowing them, for example, to take down notes on how Experience points are spent.


Everything else not covered above.

Certamen Record Sheet

Legacy Page

The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:character_sheets