Legacy:Lion and the lily

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-07-17 03:00:39 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

'''The Lion and the Lily''' is the [[ArM55]] sourcebook describing the [[Normandy Tribunal]].

Obviously, this page needs some more detail...


[[Timothy Ferguson]], [[Richard Love]], [[Christian Jensen Romer]], [[Mark Shirley]], [[Andrew Smith]], [[Paul Tevis]], [[Sheila Thomas]] 


* [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0286.php | The Lion and the Lily Product Page]] at [[http://www.atlas-games.com | Atlas Games]]

Version 2

Date: 2008-07-17 15:09:05 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Removed broken link to Atlas Games (it was redundant anyway)

'''The Lion and the Lily''' is the [[ArM55]] sourcebook describing the [[Normandy Tribunal]].

Obviously, this page needs some more detail...


[[Timothy Ferguson]], [[Richard Love]], [[Christian Jensen Romer]], [[Mark Shirley]], [[Andrew Smith]], [[Paul Tevis]], [[Sheila Thomas]] 


* [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0286.php | The Lion and the Lily Product Page]] at

Version 3

Date: 2008-07-17 15:10:22 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Another link fix: ArM55->ArM5

'''The Lion and the Lily''' is the [[ArM5] sourcebook describing the [[Normandy Tribunal]].

Obviously, this page needs some more detail...


[[Timothy Ferguson]], [[Richard Love]], [[Christian Jensen Romer]], [[Mark Shirley]], [[Andrew Smith]], [[Paul Tevis]], [[Sheila Thomas]] 


* [[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0286.php | The Lion and the Lily Product Page]] at Atlas Games