
From Project: Redcap
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Ars Magica has a very active fan base, and over the years has spawned several subscription-based magazines dedicated to the game. These fanzines are independently published by fans of the game and are not official. They usually contain articles of general interest to players and storyguides, new (unofficial) rules for use with Ars Magica, adventures, and even fiction set in Mythic Europe. Currently, there are two active fanzines: Sub Rosa, which is published in English, and Ars Mag, which is published in French.

Sub Rosa
The current Fanzine in the English language, published by Mark Lawford and Ben McFarland, who took over for Alex White. It is a quarterly PDF file release, currently at its eleventh issue. The contents include fan material, comments from the line editor, material from ArM writers that didn't make it to the books, and more.
Ars Mag
Ars Mag is a French 'zine published quarterly, with 23 issues to date. It is edited by Eric Kouris.
As he says on his web site, "Unlike most French role-playing zines, Ars Mag is above all a zine made by its readers. Properly speaking, there is no editorial staff. I juggle with the layout, the printing and the selling, but there is no staff to help me in these works or to write the articles. The content is first constituted of readers contributions. So, if you have written a scenario, house rules or anything else for Ars Magica, and if you like to see it published, don't hesitate to send it to me. I'm also looking for original illustrations (the drawings are returned after publication). Contributors receive the issue containing their article(s) or illustration(s) for free."
A summary of issues and their contents (in French) is available here.

Discontinued Fanzines

Over the years there have been several other faniznes, which are now no longer active.

Hermes' Portal
Portal was published by Eric Kouris from 2001 to 2005 as pdf files. On average, each issue is about 50 pages long, and 15 issues (plus one joke calendar) were distributed in all. Although originally for purchase, the entire line is can now be downloaded for free from the portal's [1].
Mythic Perspectives
Mythic Perspectives was edited by Damelon Kimbrough, and was published from 1997 to 2001. There were eleven issues, most with 48 pages, though the early ones were smaller.
Some of the issues are still available for purchase through Atlas Games' web site, as the editor of the magazine went on to become the line developer for the game for a time.
Redcap News from the Order of Hermes
Redcap: News from the Order of Hermes was edited by Peter Hentges, and was published from 1992 to 1993. There were seven issues, the first a stapled 16-page packet and the rest magazines with 30-40 pages.

Legacy Page

The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:fanzines