Arcane Connection (podcast)

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Arcane Connection is a podcast about Ars Magica, produced by CJ Romer; it regularly features Tom Nowell (aka darkwing] and Kevin Sides (aka Janus] with special guests featuring in some episodes.


Conceived in April 2013 the first episode was recorded 30 minutes after the idea was first mentioned. An amateur free podcast dogged by sound issues, production was initially twice weekly, later dropping to monthly until until preparation for the UK Grand Tribunal Convention took precedence in June of that year; the podcast ceased production and resumed in October 2013. CJ Romer has publicly stated he will do 23 episodes then stop, and encourages others to produce their own Ars Magica related podcast.


Episode 1: Why play Ars Magica?
Highlights some of the unique characteristics of the game: Troupe style play, covenants, Mythic Europe, etc. and why they are all great. (30 minutes)
Episode 2: The Ars Magica Magic System
aimed at new players. Kevin Sides, Tom Nowell & CJ Romer (30 minutes)
Episode 3: Essential Spells for Spring Covenants?
CJ Romer surveyed 40 players of the game to give you this top 20 breakdown (30 minutes)
Episode 4: Running Tribunal Stories
CJ and Tom Nowell discuss the difficulties of running engaging Tribunal stories (30 minutes)
Episode 5: Writing for Ars Magica
CJ talks about his experiences as an author for the line. (30 minutes)
Episode 6: Which Tribunal?
CJ and Tom Nowell run through the available Tribunal region books. (30 minutes)
Episode 7: Black Chicken Interview
CJ interviews Larry Sawh, President of Black Chicken Studios about the Ars Magica computer game kickstarter project. (35 minutes)
Episode 8: The Code of Hermes
CJ and Kevin Sides discuss the game implications of The Code. (35 minutes)
Episode 9: All About Grogs
CJ and Andrew Gronosky discuss the humble grog! (31 minutes)
Episode 10: House Flambeau
CJ and Andrew Gronosky discuss House Flambeau. (35 minutes)
Episode 11: Hibernia
CJ and Kevin Sides discuss the new Hibernian Tribunal book (30 minutes)
Episode 12: Halloween
CJ and Ben McFarland on Halloween, ghosts and supernatural horror in Ars Magica. (39 minutes)