Legacy:Character sheets

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-03-17 20:37:33 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

This page holds a collection of links to character sheets.

= Characters

Character sheets are sheets used to collect all necessary information about a single character, be it a [[Magus|magus]], a [[Companion|companion]], or a [[Grog|grog]].

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/arm5charsheet.pdf|Official Character Sheet]] : The official character sheet provided by [[http://www.atlas-games.com/|Atlas Games]] for download is similar to the one printed at the end of the [[ArM5|basic rule set]]. Although designed in grayscale only, the file is relatively big (about 970[_]KB), spans over four pages, and provides space for each and every detail a player might want to record.
: [file:Simple Character Sheet.pdf|Simple character sheet] : This simple and slim (26[_]KB) sheet consists of two pages. The first page covers the most important and most frequently used traits applicable to all characters, while the second page exclusively covers magical abilities.

= Covenants & Sagas

This section holds sheets for managing [[Covenant]]s, [[Saga|sagas]], and [[Adventures|adventures]]. They are used to keep track of time and resources.

: [file:Troupe Development Record.pdf|Troupe Development Record] : [[Story Guide|Story guides]] can use this sheet to keep track of the characters' activities during several [[Season|seasons]], allowing them, for example, to take down notes on how [[Experience]] points are spent.

= Miscellaneous

Everything else not covered above.

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5_certamen_record.pdf|Certamen Record Sheet]] : Used to keep track of the course of [[Certamen]] duels.

Version 2

Date: 2008-03-31 09:25:25 GMT Author: Yair Comment: new official sheet

This page holds a collection of links to character sheets.

= Characters

Character sheets are sheets used to collect all necessary information about a single character, be it a [[Magus|magus]], a [[Companion|companion]], or a [[Grog|grog]].

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Charsheet-NEW.pdf|Official Character Sheet]] : The official character sheet provided by [[http://www.atlas-games.com/|Atlas Games]] for download is similar to the one printed at the end of the [[ArM5|basic rule set]]. Black-and-white with a color frame in the [[ARM5]] style, the file is relatively big (3.2[_]MB), spans over four pages, and provides space for many details and all the relevant statistics. An older version, lighter (about 970[_]KB) grescale version is [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/arm5charsheet.pdf|available]].  statistics. An older version, lighter (about 970[_]KB) grescale version is [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/arm5charsheet.pdf|available]]. 
: [file:Simple Character Sheet.pdf|Simple character sheet] : This simple and slim (26[_]KB) sheet consists of two pages. The first page covers the most important and most frequently used traits applicable to all characters, while the second page exclusively covers magical abilities.

= Covenants & Sagas

This section holds sheets for managing [[Covenant]]s, [[Saga|sagas]], and [[Adventures|adventures]]. They are used to keep track of time and resources.

: [file:Troupe Development Record.pdf|Troupe Development Record] : [[Story Guide|Story guides]] can use this sheet to keep track of the characters' activities during several [[Season|seasons]], allowing them, for example, to take down notes on how [[Experience]] points are spent.

= Miscellaneous

Everything else not covered above.


Version 3

Date: 2008-03-31 09:26:25 GMT Author: Yair Comment: typos

This page holds a collection of links to character sheets.

= Characters

Character sheets are sheets used to collect all necessary information about a single character, be it a [[Magus|magus]], a [[Companion|companion]], or a [[Grog|grog]].

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Charsheet-NEW.pdf|Official Character Sheet]] : The official character sheet provided by [[http://www.atlas-games.com/|Atlas Games]] for download is similar to the one printed at the end of the [[ArM5|basic rule set]]. Black-and-white with a color frame in the [[ArM5]] style, the file is relatively big (3.2[_]MB), spans over four pages, and provides space for many details and all the relevant statistics. An older, lighter (about 970[_]KB) greyscale version is [[httpatlas-games.com/pdf_storage/arm5charsheet.pdf|available]]. 
: [file:Simple Character Sheet.pdf|Simple character sheet] : This simple and slim (26[_]KB) sheet consists of two pages. The first page covers the most important and most frequently used traits applicable to all characters, while the second page exclusively covers magical abilities.

= Covenants & Sagas

This section holds sheets for managing [[Covenant]]s, [[Saga|sagas]], and [[Adventures|adventures]]. They are used to keep track of time and resources.

: [file:Troupe Development Record.pdf|Troupe Development Record] : [[Story Guide|Story guides]] can use this sheet to keep track of the characters' activities during several [[Season|seasons]], allowing them, for example, to take down notes on how [[Experience]] points are spent.

= Miscellaneous

Everything else not covered above.

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5_certamen_record.pdf|Certamen Record Sheet]] : Used to keep track of the course of [[Certamen]] duels.

Version 4

Date: 2008-04-03 10:53:27 GMT Author: Yair Comment: item sheets

This page holds a collection of links to character sheets.

= Characters

Character sheets are sheets used to collect all necessary information about a single character, be it a [[Magus|magus]], a [[Companion|companion]], or a [[Grog|grog]].

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Charsheet-NEW.pdf|Official Character Sheet]] : The official character sheet provided by [[http://www.atlas-games.com/|Atlas Games]] for download is similar to the one printed at the end of the [[ArM5|basic rule set]]. Black-and-white with a color frame in the [[ArM5]] style, the file is relatively big (3.2[_]MB), spans over four pages, and provides space for many details and all the relevant statistics. An older, lighter (about 970[_]KB) greyscale version is [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/arm5charsheet.pdf|available]]. 
: [file:Simple Character Sheet.pdf|Simple character sheet] : This simple and slim (26[_]KB) sheet consists of two pages. The first page covers the most important and most frequently used traits applicable to all characters, while the second page exclusively covers magical abilities.

= Covenants & Sagas

This section holds sheets for managing [[Covenant]]s, [[Saga|sagas]], and [[Adventures|adventures]]. They are used to keep track of time and resources.

: [file:Troupe Development Record.pdf|Troupe Development Record] : [[Story Guide|Story guides]] can use this sheet to keep track of the characters' activities during several [[Season|seasons]], allowing them, for example, to take down notes on how [[Experience]] points are spent.

= Miscellaneous

Everything else not covered above.

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5_certamen_record.pdf|Certamen Record Sheet]] : Used to keep track of the course of [[Certamen]] duels.

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/Item%20Sheets.zip|Item Sheets]] : To register your magical creations in all their gory detail.

Version 5

Date: 2008-04-03 11:34:44 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added covenant record sheet

This page holds a collection of links to character sheets.

= Characters

Character sheets are sheets used to collect all necessary information about a single character, be it a [[Magus|magus]], a [[Companion|companion]], or a [[Grog|grog]].

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Charsheet-NEW.pdf|Official Character Sheet]] : The official character sheet provided by [[http://www.atlas-games.com/|Atlas Games]] for download is similar to the one printed at the end of the [[ArM5|basic rule set]]. Black-and-white with a color frame in the [[ArM5]] style, the file is relatively big (3.2[_]MB), spans over four pages, and provides space for many details and all the relevant statistics. An older, lighter (about 970[_]KB) greyscale version is [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/arm5charsheet.pdf|available]]. 
: [file:Simple Character Sheet.pdf|Simple character sheet] : This simple and slim (26[_]KB) sheet consists of two pages. The first page covers the most important and most frequently used traits applicable to all characters, while the second page exclusively covers magical abilities.

= Covenants & Sagas

This section holds sheets for managing [[Covenant]]s, [[Saga|sagas]], and [[Adventures|adventures]]. They are used to keep track of time and resources.

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5CovenantRecordSheets.pdf|Covenant Record Sheets]] : Yes, the covenant is a character too, so its character sheet deserves to be on this page.

: [file:://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5CovenantRecordSheets.pdf|Covenant Record Sheets]] : Yes, the covenant is a character too, so its character sheet deserves to be on this page.

: [file:Troupe Development Record.pdf|Troupe Development Record] : [[Story Guide|Story guides]] can use this sheet to keep track of the characters' activities during several [[Season|seasons]], allowing them, for example, to take down notes on how [[Experience]] points are spent.

= Miscellaneous

Everything else not covered above.

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5_certamen_record.pdf|Certamen Record Sheet]] : Used