Legacy:Children of hermes

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-09-16 23:22:04 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

A peculiar [[Mystery Cult]] introduced in [[TMRE]] 125, the '''Children of Hermes'' are led by a charismatic figure that claims to be the incarnation of [[Hermes Trismegistus]] himself. It is a personality cult, with similarities to modern televangelism. 

Like all of the mystery cults described in [[TMRE]], the existence of the Children of Hermes is optional, and is not strictly part of [[Canon]].

Version 2

Date: 2010-07-15 13:38:25 GMT Author: Yair Comment: spelling

A peculiar [[Mystery Cult]] introduced in [[TMRE]] 125, the '''Children of Hermes''' are led by a charismatic figure that claims to be the incarnation of [[Hermes Trismegistus]] himself. It is a personality cult, with similarities to modern televangelism. 

Like all of the mystery cults described in [[TMRE]], the existence of the Children of Hermes is optional, and is not strictly part of [[Canon]].