Legacy:Cult lore

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-05 09:31:02 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

A variant of the [[Organization Lore]] Ability, the lore of Cults also provides the mystical information required for [[Initiation]]; as such, it becomes and [[Arcane Ability]]. It is referred to as (Cult) Lore, (House) Lore, and so on.


* [[TMRE]] [[??]], [[HoHMC]] 4. 
* See also [[HoHMC]] 38 for [[House Bjornaer]] Lore.

Version 2

Date: 2008-09-14 22:33:22 GMT Author: Yair Comment: page number added

A variant of the [[Organization Lore]] Ability, the lore of Cults also provides the mystical information required for [[Initiation]]; as such, it becomes and [[Arcane Ability]]. It is referred to as (Cult) Lore, (House) Lore, and so on.


* [[TMRE]] 11HoHMC]] 4. 
* See also [[HoHMC]] 38 for [[House Bjornaer]] Lore.

Version 3

Date: 2010-03-08 12:01:24 GMT Author: Yair Comment: spelling correction (and -> an)

A variant of the [[Organization Lore]] Ability, the lore of Cults also provides the mystical information required for [[Initiation]]; as such, it becomes an [[Arcane Ability]]. It is referred to as (Cult) Lore, (House) Lore, and so on.


* [[TMRE]] 11, [[HoHMC]] 4. 
* See also [[HoHMC]] 38 for [[House Bjornaer]] Lore.