Legacy:Dead language

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2010-06-22 23:31:05 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

'''Dead Language''' is an [[Academic Ability]]. It refers to one specific dead (that is, not commonly spoken) language, such as Latin or Greek. Each of these languages represents an independent [[Ability]], and must be learned separately. [[Specialty|Specialties]] apply normally.

Since most [[Hermetic]] texts are written in Latin, gauntleted [[Magus|magi]] are expected to be proficient in that language. It is said that a score of 3 is necessary to read a text, while 4 is required to write one. Consequently, gauntleted [[Magus|magi]] have scores of at least 3 in ""Dead Language: Latin"".

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 64.

= See also

* [[Living Language]], the [[Ability]] to speak living languages

Version 2

Date: 2010-06-22 23:53:19 GMT Author: pm Comment: Scores at gauntlet corrected

'''Dead Language''' is an [[Academic Ability]]. It refers to one specific dead (that is, not commonly spoken) language, such as Latin or Greek. Each of these languages represents an independent [[Ability]], and must be learned separately. [[Specialty|Specialties]] apply normally.

Since most [[Hermetic]] texts are written in Latin, gauntleted [[Magus|magi]] are expected to be proficient in that language. It is said that a score of 4 is necessary to read an elaborate text, while 5 is required to write one. Consequently, most gauntleted [[Magus|magi]] have scores of at least 4 in ""Dead Language: Latin"".

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 64.

= See also

* [[Living Language]], the [[Ability]] to speak living languages