Legacy:Faeries revised edition

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-06-19 00:18:50 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

[[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG1110.php/ | Faeries, Revised Edition]] is a supplement about faeries and the [[Faerie Realm]].

'''Rules Edition:''' [[ArM3]]
'''Author(s):''' [[John Snead]] and [[Sarah Link]] 
'''Publisher:''' [[Wizards of the Coast]]

= Compatibility

Although Faeries, Revised Edition was written for [[ArM3]], it should be usable with [[ArM4]] with little trouble.  It is not, however, compatible with [[ArM5]].  The rules have changed too much, and the background definition of what the [[Faerie Realm]] is has changed as well.

= Player Reviews

Until about 2005, the original Ars Magica FAQ site solicited reviews of Ars Magica products from the community. The online review submission form is no longer available, but please feel free to edit this page to add your own comments. A synopsis of the survey results for this book is:

FAQ Rating: \*\*\*\* (11 reviews; 0 *, 1 \*\*, 3 \*\*\*, 7 \*\*\*\*)

* Even better than the [[Faeries book | original]]. Workable rules for 'regio' are a plus.
* A must-have (different from the 1st ed.)
* Best medieval RPG supplement I have
* Wonderful, wonderful book. Can't praise it enough.
* Necessary, and a good read, but the mechanics no longer mesh properly with the later books.
* Does a pretty good job of presenting faeries as alien entities, not demi-humans. Too much and poor fiction for my taste.
* Very useful if you have a fairy element in your game.
* Footnotes in the margins a nice feature.
* Very good take on Fae, dated a little, but generally the flavour of the courts and Faerie is well presented and woven into ME.

= See also

* [[Realms of Power Faerie]]
* [[Faerie Stories]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]] (original edition)
* [[Faerie Realm]]

Version 2

Date: 2009-06-19 00:28:54 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added image link and more publication details

[[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG1110.php/ | Faeries, Revised Edition]] is a supplement about faeries and the [[Faerie Realm]].


'''Rules Edition:''' [[ArM3]]
'''Author(s):''' [[John Snead]] and [[Sarah Link]] 
'''Publisher:''' [[Wizards of the Coast]]
'''Release Date:''' 1995
'''Format:''' [[Softcover]], 144 pages 
'''Availability:''' Out of print; available as a PDF from [[http://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=AG1110 | e23]]

= Compatibility

Although Faeries, Revised Edition :''' 1995
'''Format:''' [[Softcover]], 144 pages 
'''Availability:''' Out of print; available as a PDF from [[http://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=AG1110 | e23]]

= Compatibility

Although Faeries, Revised Edition was written for [[ArM3]], it should be usable with [[ArM4]] with little trouble.  It is not, however, compatible with [[ArM5]].  The rules have changed too much, and the background definition of what the [[Faerie Realm]] is has changed as well.

= Player Reviews

Until about 2005, the original Ars Magica FAQ site solicited reviews of Ars Magica products from the community. The online review submission form is no longer available, but please feel free to edit this page to add your own comments. A synopsis of the survey results for this book is:

FAQ Rating: \*\*\*\* (11 reviews; 0 *, 1 \*\*, 3 \*\*\*, 7 \*\*\*\*)

* Even better than the [[Faeries book | original]]. Workable rules for 'regio' are a plus.
* A must-have (different from the 1st ed.)
* Best medieval RPG supplement I have
* Wonderful, wonderful book. Can't praise it enough.
* Necessary, and a good read, but the mechanics no longer mesh properly with the later books.
* Does a pretty good job of presenting faeries as alien entities, not demi-humans. Too much and poor fiction for my taste.
* Very useful if you have a fairy element in your game.
* Footnotes in the margins a nice feature.
* Very good take on Fae, dated a little, but 

Copyright Notice: The Faeries Revised Edition cover image is �1995 [[Atlas Games]] and is used with permission.  Atlas has also [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=4313 | given permission]] to use the image in any site that promotes Ars Magica.

Version 3

Date: 2009-06-19 00:29:52 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Fixed image link and copyright notice

[[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG1110.php/ | Faeries, Revised Edition]] is a supplement about faeries and the [[Faerie Realm]].

'''Rules Edition:''' [[ArM3]]
'''Author(s):''' [[John Snead]] and [[Sarah Link]] 
'''Publisher:''' [[Wizards of the Coast]]
'''Release Date:''' 1995
'''Format:''' [[Softcover]], 144 pages 
'''Availability:''' Out of print; available as a PDF from [[http://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=AG1110 | e23]]

= Compatibility

Although Faeries, Revised Edition was written for [[ArM3]], it should be usable with [[ArM4]] with little trouble.  It is not, however, compatible with [[ArM5]].  The rules have changed too much, and the background definition of what the [[Faerie Realm]] is has changed as well.

= Player Reviews

Until about 2005, the original Ars Magica FAQ site solicited reviews of Ars Magica products from the community. The online review submission form is no longer available, but please feel free to edit this page to add your own comments. A synopsis of the survey results for this book is:

FAQ Rating: \*\*\*\* (11 reviews; 0 *, 1 \*\*, 3 \*\*\*, 7 \*\*\*\*)

* Even better than the [[Faeries book | original]]. Workable rules for 'regio' are a plus.
* A must-have (different from the 1st ed.)
* Best medieval RPG supplement I have
* Wonderful, wonderful book. Can't praise it enough.
* Necessary, and a good read, but the mechanics no longer mesh properly with the later books.
* Does a pretty good job of presenting faeries as alien entities, not demi-humans. Too much and poor fiction for my taste.
* Very useful if you have a fairy element in your game.
* Footnotes in the margins a nice feature.
* Very good take on Fae, dated a little, but generally the flavour of the courts and Faerie is well presented and woven into ME.

= See also

* [[Realms of Power Faerie]]
* [[Faerie Stories]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]] (original edition)
* [[Faerie Realm]]


=Copyright Notice

The Faeries Revised Edition cover image is �1995 [[Atlas Games]] and is used with permission.  Atlas has also [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=4313 | given permission]] to use the image in any site that promotes Ars Magica.