
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-02-02 01:29:42 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

One of the [[Characteristics|characteristics]] of a character, *Intelligence* (Int) represents a character's intellectual capacity, that is, the ability to develop and pursue logical clues.

Version 2

Date: 2009-02-04 13:44:38 GMT Author: Yair Comment: some commentary

One of the [[Characteristics|characteristics]] of a character, *Intelligence* (Int) represents a character's intellectual capacity, that is, the ability to develop and pursue logical clues.

Intelligence is very useful for [[Magus|magi]], as it affects the [[Lab Total]] which in turn is relevant to any laboratory activity, including the invention of new spells, learning existing spells from [[Lab Text|lab texts]], and creating [[Enchanted Device|enchanted items]]. It does not, however, modify spell casting nor is it usually the major modifier in the Lab Total, so that magi of low intelligence can function reasonably well. Despite this, most [[NPC]] magi in [[Canon|canon]] have an Intelligence score of +3, and none have negative intelligence.

Note that a low-intelligence magus will typically learn spells of a somewhat lower level, which he would find easy to cast, whereas a high-intelligence magus is more likely to know higher-level spells that he will find more difficult to cast. 

Intelligence is also useful in the application of knowledge, such as [[Dominion Lore]], or in recollection, such as in memorizing a letter or message. It does not affect the rate at which characters learn (i.e. acquire experience points).

===See Also

* The [[Art of Memory]] is an [[Academic Ability]] introduced in [[TMRE]] that expands on the role of Intelligence as measuring the capacity for memorization.