
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-01-09 23:29:38 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version


Version 2

Date: 2008-01-10 03:07:51 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Clarified that a magus is a wizard, not (for example) a redcap

A male wizard who belongs to the [[Order of Hermes]].

Version 3

Date: 2008-01-10 03:08:56 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added cross-reference to "maga"

(Latin) A male wizard who belongs to the [[Order of Hermes]].  The feminine form is [[Maga]].

Version 4

Date: 2008-03-15 14:18:37 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added plural form

(Latin) A male wizard who belongs to the [[Order of Hermes]].  The feminine form is [[Maga]], the plural form is [[Magi]].

Version 5

Date: 2008-03-17 17:01:55 GMT Author: Yair Comment: edited to incorporate Maga and Magi entires

Literally "magicians" or "wise ones" in Latin, a *magus* is a wizard who belongs to the [[Order of Hermes]]. The feminine form is [[Maga]], the plural form is [[Magi]].

Version 6

Date: 2008-03-17 17:03:45 GMT Author: Yair Comment: note on redcaps

Literally "magicians" or "wise ones" in Latin, a *magus* is a wizard who belongs to the [[Order of Hermes]]. The feminine form is [[Maga]], the plural form is [[Magi]].

Formally the term also applies to other members of the [[Order of Hermes]], such [[The Gift|unGifted]] [[Redcap}Redcaps]]. Most uses of the word ignore such technicalities.

Version 7

Date: 2008-03-17 17:04:10 GMT Author: Yair Comment: typo

Literally "magicians" or "wise ones" in Latin, a *magus* is a wizard who belongs to the [[Order of Hermes]]. The feminine form is [[Maga]], the plural form is [[Magi]].

Formally the term also applies to other members of the [[Order of Hermes]], such [[The Gift|unGifted]] [[Redcap|Redcaps]]. Most uses of the word ignore such technicalities.