Legacy:Miscellaneous links

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-06 11:26:30 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

:ICQ ActiveList: There are two ICQ ActiveLists devoted to Ars Magica, numbers 54311732 and #78479803. This requires ICQ 99b or better to use; get it from icq.com.

:Tempora Heroica: A MUD using Ars Magica magic and concepts. There is a web site at http://www.ibiblio.org/TH/, and the MUD itself can be reached at telnet://titan.ibiblio.org:2895.

:[[http://www.wraith.com/seidl/ars-magica/|The Official Ars Magica Archive]]: This is a mirror site of the Berkeley archive, mostly related to 3rd Edition and earlier material.

:[[http://www.erzo.org/shannon/ars-magica/|Shannon Appel's Ars Magica Pages]]: Logs for four campaigns, rules reference sheets, and character sheets.

:[[http://www.dragoncat.net/gaming/am2k/am_now.html|Ars Magica 2000]]: 

:[[http://www.ii.uib.no/~georg/alt/rpg/ars/|Ars Magica Bergensis]]:

:[[http://rpg.ekkaia.org/ampcc/|Ars Magica Point Cost Calculator]]: The Ars Magica Point Costs Calculator is supposed to help you to calculate point costs while creating your Ars Magica 5th Edition character. With your computer being responsible for the number crunching, character creation is simplified a lot!

:[[http://www.alteregosoftware.com/|Ars Magica Character Generator]]: This is commercial software [[Metacreator]], available from [[Alter Ego Software]]. User feedback has been generally very positive.

:[[http://personales.ya.com/anyone/|ArsPitxu]]: Character creation and PDF character sheet creation software.

:[[http://www.radix.net/~erewhon/arsma/|Castle Anthrax]]: Includes the Travels of Fedoso.

:[[http://www.davidchart.com/ArM/index.html|David Chart's Ars Magica Pages]]: Latin translations, rules expansions, and a complete Saga.


:[[http://wiki.erik.jordan.name/index.php?title=Ars_Magica_for_d20|D20 Ars Magica]]:

:[[http://www.tht.net/~ericpomm/rules/|Eric Pommer's House Rules]]: This site contains alternate Combat and Study systems, Ablative Parma mechanics, essays on Mythic Europe, and more.

:[[http://www.fantasylibrary.com/lounge/ars.htm|Fantasy Library Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Ring/2754/|Fight Simulator]]: Battle Simulator and InstaGrog

:[[http://home.comcast.net/~agronosky/ars_magica/index.html|Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site]]: Andrew Gronosky's Fifth Edtion Ars Magica pages. Includes notes on two Sagas, useful links, house rules, and sundry apocrypha.

:[[http://guernicus.com/arm/main.html|Helen Steele's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://www.dyasdesigns.com/roleplay/ArsMagica/|Lance Dyas's Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://members.tripod.com/~ArchMachiavel/index.html|Machiavelli Games]]: A site for freeform games based on the ArM system.

:[[http://www.mad-irishman.net/pub_ars.html|Mad Irishman's Ars Magica Page]]: Home to many roleplaying aids in PDF format, this particular page features character sheets, maps, and stories useful to many Ars Magica players.

:[[http://www.mist77.demon.co.uk/ArsMagica/|Mark Steedman's Ars Magica pages]]:

:[[http://www.geocities.com/seahawk2199/NG/Ars-NG.html|Ars Magica Net Grimoire]]: Version 2 of the Ars Magica Net Grimoire, updated to include a total of 880 spells.

:[[http://www.editors-wastebasket.org/nexx/|Nexx's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~okoskimi/ArM/ArM.html|Oskari Koskimies' Archive]]: Giant Pricelist, Earthsea and Ars Magica, and Ars Magica music. Story archive is in Finnish.

:[[http://rhophigamma.webhop.org/|Rho Phi Gamma]]: Contains several useful files, a small collection of links, but its main claim to infamy are rules for converting AD&D settings for use with Ars Magica.

:[[http://users.tpg.com.au/tfergus/ars_magica.htm|Timothy Ferguson's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://home.houston.rr.com/rwestmoreland/rpg/ars/arstop.html|Robbie Westmoreland's Ars Magica Pages]]:

:[[http://www.waynesbooks.com/ArsMagica.html|Wayne's Books Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://uk.geocities.com/uncle_wilf/ars/|Uncle Wilf's Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica|Wikipedia's Ars Magica entry]]:

:[[http://webpages.charter.net/woodelph/Gaming/writing.html#ars|woodelf's Archive]]:

:[[http://webpages.charter.net/woodelph/Gaming/AD&DXARSM/ars_fantasia.pdf|woodelf's Ars Fantasia (PDF)]]:

:[[http://www.imasy.or.jp/%7Emiyamoto/rpg/AM/Tools.html#XML_Charsheet|XML ArM5 Character Sheet]]:

Version 2

Date: 2010-03-23 11:52:16 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Removed dead Geocities links

:ICQ ActiveList: There are two ICQ ActiveLists devoted to Ars Magica, numbers 54311732 and #78479803. This requires ICQ 99b or better to use; get it from icq.com.

:Tempora Heroica: A MUD using Ars Magica magic and concepts. There is a web site at http://www.ibiblio.org/TH/, and the MUD itself can be reached at telnet://titan.ibiblio.org:2895.

:[[http://www.wraith.com/seidl/ars-magica/|The Official Ars Magica Archive]]: This is a mirror site of the Berkeley archive, mostly related to 3rd Edition and earlier material.

:[[http://www.erzo.org/shannon/ars-magica/|Shannon Appel's Ars Magica Pages]]: Logs for four campaigns, rules reference sheets, and character sheets.

:[[http://www.dragoncat.net/gaming/am2k/am_now.html|Ars Magica 2000]]: 

:[[http://www.ii.uib.no/~georg/alt/rpg/ars/|Ars Magica Bergensis]]:

:[[http://rpg.ekkaia.org/ampcc/|Ars Magica Point Cost Calculator]]: The Ars Magica Point Costs Calculator is supposed to help you to calculate point costs while creating your Ars Magica 5th Edition character. With your computer being responsible for the number crunching, character creation is simplified a lot!

:[[http://www.alteregosoftware.com/|Ars Magica Character Generator]]: This is commercial software [[Metacreator]], available from [[Alter Ego Software]]. User feedback has been generally very positive.

:[[http://personales.ya.com/anyone/|ArsPitxu]]: Character creation and PDF character sheet creation software.

:[[http://www.radix.net/~erewhon/arsma/|Castle Anthrax]]: Includes the Travels of Fedoso.

:[[http://www.davidchart.com/ArM/index.html|David Chart's Ars Magica Pages]]: Latin translations, rules expansions, and a complete Saga.


:[[http://wiki.erik.jordan.name/index.php?title=Ars_Magica_for_d20|D20 Ars Magica]]:

:[[http://www.tht.net/~ericpomm/rules/|Eric Pommer's House Rules]]: This site contains alternate Combat and Study systems, Ablative Parma mechanics, essays on Mythic Europe, and more.

:[[http://www.fantasylibrary.com/lounge/ars.htm|Fantasy Library Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://arsmagica.andrewgronosky.org|Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site]]: Andrew Gronosky's Fifth Edtion Ars Magica pages. Includes notes on three Sagas, useful links, house rules, and sundry apocrypha.

:[[http://guernicus.com/arm/main.html|Helen Steele's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://www.dyasdesigns.com/roleplay/ArsMagica/|Lance Dyas's Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://members.tripod.com/~ArchMachiavel/index.html|Machiavelli Games]]: A site for freeform games based on the ArM system.

:[[http://www.mad-irishman.net/pub_ars.html|Mad Irishman's Ars Magica Page]]: Home to many roleplaying aids in PDF format, this particular page features character sheets, maps, and stories useful to many Ars Magica players.

:[[http://www.mist77.demon.co.uk/ArsMagica/|Mark Steedman's Ars Magica pages]]:

:[[http://www.editors-wastebasket.org/nexx/|Nexx's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~okoskimi/ArM/ArM.html|Oskari Koskimies' Archive]]: Giant Pricelist, Earthsea and Ars Magica, and Ars Magica music. Story archive is in Finnish.

:[[http://rhophigamma.webhop.org/|Rho Phi Gamma]]: Contains several useful files, a small collection of links, but its main claim to infamy are rules for converting AD&D settings for use with Ars Magica.

:[[http://users.tpg.com.au/tfergus/ars_magica.htm|Timothy Ferguson's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://home.houston.rr.com/rwestmoreland/rpg/ars/arstop.html|Robbie Westmoreland's Ars Magica Pages]]:

:[[http://www.waynesbooks.com/ArsMagica.html|Wayne's Books Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica|Wikipedia's Ars Magica entry]]:

:[[http://webpages.charter.net/woodelph/Gaming/writing.html#ars|woodelf's Archive]]:

:[[http://webpages.charter.net/woodelph/Gaming/AD&DXARSM/ars_fantasia.pdf|woodelf's Ars Fantasia (PDF)]]:

:[[http://www.imasy.or.jp/%7Emiyamoto/rpg/AM/Tools.html#XML_Charsheet|XML ArM5 Character Sheet]]:

Version 3

Date: 2010-03-23 11:53:25 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Updated link to my page

:ICQ ActiveList: There are two ICQ ActiveLists devoted to Ars Magica, numbers 54311732 and #78479803. This requires ICQ 99b or better to use; get it from icq.com.

:Tempora Heroica: A MUD using Ars Magica magic and concepts. There is a web site at http://www.ibiblio.org/TH/, and the MUD itself can be reached at telnet://titan.ibiblio.org:2895.

:[[http://www.wraith.com/seidl/ars-magica/|The Official Ars Magica Archive]]: This is a mirror site of the Berkeley archive, mostly related to 3rd Edition and earlier material.

:[[http://www.erzo.org/shannon/ars-magica/|Shannon Appel's Ars Magica Pages]]: Logs for four campaigns, rules reference sheets, and character sheets.

:[[http://www.dragoncat.net/gaming/am2k/am_now.html|Ars Magica 2000]]: 

:[[http://www.ii.uib.no/~georg/alt/rpg/ars/|Ars Magica Bergensis]]:

:[[http://rpg.ekkaia.org/ampcc/|Ars Magica Point Cost Calculator]]: The Ars Magica Point Costs Calculator is supposed to help you to calculate point costs while creating your Ars Magica 5th Edition character. With your computer being responsible for the number crunching, character creation is simplified a lot!

:[[http://www.alteregosoftware.com/|Ars Magica Character Generator]]: This is commercial software [[Metacreator]], available from [[Alter Ego Software]]. User feedback has been generally very positive.

:[[http://personales.ya.com/anyone/|ArsPitxu]]: Character creation and PDF character sheet creation software.

:[[http://www.radix.net/~erewhon/arsma/|Castle Anthrax]]: Includes the Travels of Fedoso.

:[[http://www.davidchart.com/ArM/index.html|David Chart's Ars Magica Pages]]: Latin translations, rules expansions, and a complete Saga.


:[[http://wiki.erik.jordan.name/index.php?title=Ars_Magica_for_d20|D20 Ars Magica]]:

:[[http://www.tht.net/~ericpomm/rules/|Eric Pommer's House Rules]]: This site contains alternate Combat and Study systems, Ablative Parma mechanics, essays on Mythic Europe, and more.

:[[http://www.fantasylibrary.com/lounge/ars.htm|Fantasy Library Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://arsmagica.andrewgronosky.org/ |Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site]]: Andrew Gronosky's Fifth Edtion Ars Magica pages. Includes notes on three Sagas, useful links, house rules, and sundry apocrypha.

:[[http://guernicus.com/arm/main.html|Helen Steele's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://www.dyasdesigns.com/roleplay/ArsMagica/|Lance Dyas's Ars Magica Site]]:

:[[http://members.tripod.com/~ArchMachiavel/index.html|Machiavelli Games]]: A site for freeform games based on the ArM system.

:[[http://www.mad-irishman.net/pub_ars.html|Mad Irishman's Ars Magica Page]]: Home to many roleplaying aids in PDF format, this particular page features character sheets, maps, and stories useful to many Ars Magica players.

:[[http://www.mist77.demon.co.uk/ArsMagica/|Mark Steedman's Ars Magica pages]]:

:[[http://www.editors-wastebasket.org/nexx/|Nexx's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~okoskimi/ArM/ArM.html|Oskari Koskimies' Archive]]: Giant Pricelist, Earthsea and Ars Magica, and Ars Magica music. Story archive is in Finnish.

:[[http://rhophigamma.webhop.org/|Rho Phi Gamma]]: Contains several useful files, a small collection of links, but its main claim to infamy are rules for converting AD&D settings for use with Ars Magica.

:[[http://users.tpg.com.au/tfergus/ars_magica.htm|Timothy Ferguson's Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://home.houston.rr.com/rwestmoreland/rpg/ars/arstop.html|Robbie Westmoreland's Ars Magica Pages]]:

:[[http://www.waynesbooks.com/ArsMagica.html|Wayne's Books Ars Magica Page]]:

:[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica|Wikipedia's Ars Magica entry]]:

:[[http://webpages.charter.net/woodelph/Gaming/writing.html#ars|woodelf's Archive]]:

:[[http://webpages.charter.net/woodelph/Gaming/AD&DXARSM/ars_fantasia.pdf|woodelf's Ars Fantasia (PDF)]]:

:[[http://www.imasy.or.jp/%7Emiyamoto/rpg/AM/Tools.html#XML_Charsheet|XML ArM5 Character Sheet]]: