Spell Duration

From Project: Redcap

The Duration of a magical effect in general, or Hermetic spell in particular, specifies how long it successfully affects its target.

Standard Hermetic durations

Mysteries and Traditions set aside, Hermetic magic knows the following basic Durations:

  • Momentary: The effects lasts for an instant.
  • Concentration: The effects lasts until the caster concentrates.
  • Diameter: The effects lasts for an amount of time equal to the duration that takes to sun to travel its diameter, that is, roughly two minutes.
  • Sun: From dusk til dawn, or from dawn til dusk.
  • Ring: As long as the affected Target (spell) remains in a Ring (duration).
  • Moon: Until new moon and full moon have set.
  • Year: Until the fourth equinox or solstice. Spells with this Durations must be Ritual spells.

Durations obtained by virtues


See also