True Lineages

From Project: Redcap

Four Houses belong to the True Lineages:

From the top, clockwise: Bonisagus, Tremere, Mercere, Guernicus

All four Houses are particularly interested in the stability and well-being of the Order of Hermes.

A true lineage is quintessentially characterized by direct descent from the Founder, in an unbroken line of parens-apprentice. However, at least formally all magi in the Order follow this pattern, as all magi were formally accepted as apprentices and then attested to pass their gauntlet in order to be accepted into the Order. Thus, this requirement should be perceived as a matter of substance, rather than formality - in a true lineage the apprenticeship is extensive and meaningful, and true to the founder's ideals.

On the other hand, in practice many true lineages incorporated various magi from other Houses or traditions over the years. For example, in its early years House Tremere adopted many magi from necromantic cults, which were taught little if much at all by Tremere. Nevertheless, these lineages were assimilated by the House and are now part of the true lineage. In such cases, your troupe may consider that descent from an indirect lineage may be considered a lower status within the House, or that descent from a direct lineage be considered a high status (as, for example, in House Mercere, where the direct Hermetic lineage is a small fraction of the House).

Finally, while canonically the above four Houses are built around the idea of a True Lineage, this need not be the case in your saga, and you should consider changing it or adding other elements. Perhaps the inner circles of House Tremere form a Mystery Cult teaching cthonic magic and immortality by transformation into a vampire, or maybe House Bonisagus has evolved into a Societas that invites innovative researchers and leading peacemakers from all Houses (perhaps even not accepting young magi - membership in House Bonisagus is now an honorary title, much like the status of a Quaesitor). Fifth Edition presents the four houses as true lineages to foster ideas and emphasize contrast between the Houses, not to limit your imagination, or the Houses.

Fifth Edition Sourcebooks

In ArM5 the four True Lineage Houses received a Sourcebook of their own, Houses of Hermes: True Lineages.

See also


Legacy Page

The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:true_lineages