
From Project: Redcap

Creo (Latin for "I create") is a Hermetic Art, specifically the Technique related to creating improving people, creature, or things. In addition to creation, it involves healing and repairing as well as permanently improving charateristics. Improving abilities is beyond the art of Creo. Because of the Limit of Creation, Creo spells are usually not permanent unless they are rituals. This, however, only applies to straight creation spells or spells that straight out heal a creature. Spells that improve the chance to heal (provide bonuses to healing rolls) do not require a ritual, but must be in place for the entire duration of a healing period. For wounds that are bad enough, this could cause the target to accrue warping points.

Notable traditions and magi

Two broad groups would specialize in Creo magic- those involved in healing and the creation of longevity rituals and those who create creature and things. Numbered among the first category would likely be Leper Magi and Pharmacopoeians; however, any large group, including each of the houses, is likely to encourage some members to specialize in healing and thus this art.


Listed here are the pages that reference either the art of Creo itself, or Creo spells.

Fifth Edition Core Rulebook

The extent of what effects fall under Creo are covered on page 77. There is a brief mention of how Creo craft magic should be handled, though that subject is expanded in later supplements. As to spell guidelines and spells, the organization is tiered by forms in alphabetical order first, with the techniques in alphabetical order within the treatment of each form.

Reference to corrections for the first and second printings are per the errata at the Atlas Games website. The top of the errata page is here, there are pinpoint links to the top of the first printing errata and the second printing errata as well. Note that anything that is listed in the second printing errata applies to both first and second printing.

  • Animal: The CrAn spell guidelines are on page 116. The example spells are listed on page 117. Both the first and second prints incorrectly list Curse of the Ravenous Swarm as a level 45 spell when it is actually a level 50 spell. This is because those printings erroneously increase the magnitude by +1 instead of +2 for target group.
  • Aquam: The Both CrAq spell guidelines and all of the example spells are on page 121. The first printing incorrectly states that Mighty Torrent of Water's base level is 5, when it is actually 10.
  • Auram: The CrAu example spells are listed on most of pages 125-26 with the guidelines on page 126.
  • Corpus: The CrCo spell guidelines are on page 130. CrCo example spells are on pages 130-31. The first printing failed to indicate that the base spell level for Cheating the Reaper is 25.
  • Herbam: The CrHe spell guidelines are on page 135. The example spells are pages 135-36.
  • Ignem: The CrIg spell guidelines are on page 140. The example spells are listed on pages 139-40.
  • Imaginem: The CrIm spell guidelines and example spells are on page 144.
  • Mentem: The CrMe spell guidelines and example spells are on page 148.
  • Terram: The CrTe spell guidelines are on page 153. The example spells are on pages 152-154.
  • Vim: The CrVi spell guidelines and example spells are on page 157.


Title Publishing Date References
Houses of Hermes: Societates 2007 (Apr) The insert on the Flambeau Horn of Champions on page 13 includes one CrIm effect.
The insert listing indirect spells on page 30 includes Creo spells.
Pages 34-37 list one new spell guideline (CrAq) and eight example spells of interest to House Flambeau, but available to anyone.
This supplement's treatment of Creo Craft Magic is on page 60 and the insert on page 61.
Created Emotional Bias on page 66 gives some treatment on CrMe emotional effects.
Minatuares: Tricks Using Perspective describes a particular category of illusions that, in this case, will always be CrIm spells. The insert on page 68 gives four example CrIm Miniature spells.
The treatment on memory on pages 68-70 include Creo effects, with CrIm example spells in inserts on pages 69-70 (one each)
Magic for the Debating Arena lists one CrMe example spell on page 97 and The Magic of the Leper Magi lists two example CrCo spells and one new CrCo spell guideline on page 100.
There is one example In(Cr)Me ritual used by the Orphic tradition on page 123 that also uses that traditions special range, Adelphixis.
Page 126 lists a minor hermetic virtue of the Pharmcopeians that lowers the vis cost of healing rituals.