Hibernian Tribunal

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The Hibernian Tribunal is the regional Tribunal covering Ireland. Hibernia is the Latin name for Ireland. The Tribunal has no land borders; the nearest other Tribunals are Stonehenge, Loch Leglean, and Novgorod (because the Novgorod Tribunal includes Iceland). See the Map of Mythic Europe.

The Isle of Man is nearby the Hibernian Tribunal but is not considered to be part of any regional Tribunal. It is sometimes disputed between the Hibernian, Stonehenge, and Loch Leglean Tribunals.

Current Edition Resources

There are no Fifth Edition supplements explicitly detailing the Hibernian Tribunal.

Past Edition Resources

Order of Hermes
Briefly describes all the Tribunals of the Order, including Hibernia[1]. It is described as a highly magical place with a lot of wilderness and a large population of faeries, but troubled by two major problem: the invasion of the Normans, and diabolic corruption in the Order of Hermes, which was discovered shortly before A.D. 1197 at the covenant of Cliffheart. Note that this supplement dates back to Ars Magica Revised Edition and is no longer considered canonical.
The Fallen Angel
is a scenerio set in the nearby Isle of Man

Past Edition Covenants

Saga Links

The following sagas are set in, or otherwise related to, the Hibernian Tribunal. Feel free to add your own site to the list; please insert it in alphabetical order.

Cliffheart is a Covenant placed in the southern part of Hibernia. You'll find out how our Magi manage to stay alive in such a wild land. You'll live with us in our community in everyday life. Stories,home rules, data for Storytellers and everything you're looking for. Both English and Italian languages supported.
Der Flug des Phönix (German)
Der Flug des Phönix handelt von den Irrungen und Wirrungen einer handvoll junger Magi im Frühlingsbund Schattenquell - Fons Umbra gelegen im Hibernia-Tribunal. Gespielt wurde von 1203 AD bis 1208 AD von 2002 bis 2004. Es sind 55 Spielabende gespielt worden und die Chronik bietet fast alle als ausformulierte Geschichte. Es ist eine sehr politische Saga. Sowohl die hermetische Politik, als auch die mundane spielen eine Rolle. Und sollen die Feen nicht auch vorgekommen sein?


  1. Order of Hermes, page 47, "Hibernian Tribunal"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Order of Hermes, pages 52-53, "Covenants of Hibernia"

Based on material © Copyright 1997-2000 David Chart. Used with permission.